Medicare Advantage Enrollment in Supplemental Benefits, by Ethnicity

  1. Black MA beneficiaries: 77.1% had dental benefits
  2. 96.7% had vision benefits and 88.2% had hearing benefits.
  3. Hispanic MA beneficiaries: 67.7% had dental benefits
  4. 99.3% had vision benefits and 88% had hearing benefits.
  5. White MA beneficiaries: 68.3% had dental benefits
  6. 95.5% had vision benefits and 85.4% had hearing benefits.
  7. Other* MA beneficiaries: 52.9% had dental benefits
  8. 97.3% had vision benefits and 77.6% had hearing benefits.
Notes: Data reflects weighted percentages enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, 2018 to 2020. *Other identified as American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian or multiple races or ethnicities.

Source: JAMA Health Forum, "Enrollment Patterns of Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries by Dental, Vision, and Hearing Benefits,"January 12, 2024 -